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Gordon State College's "Swing For Success" Golf Tournament

Gordon State College's "Swing For Success" Golf Tournament

Gordon State College's "Swing For Success" Golf Tournament

Dear Friends of GSU,

I would like to share news of Gordon State College’s “Swing for Success Golf Tournament,” to be held on April 11th, 2025, at Raintree Golf Course located in Thomaston GA, beginning at 8:00 AM. This tournament will provide much needed scholarship support for our four varsity athletic teams as we seek to ensure our student athletes remain competitive – both on the field and in the classroom.

Student athletes are among our most successful students, and we are excited that we can now reward their academic and athletic success by allowing them to experience a four-year baccalaureate degree and practice their sporting skills as a Gordon State College Highlander for their entire degree program.

We invite Henry County Chamber of Commerce to help build upon that success and ensure the future of Highlander Athletics remains bright. We are seeking tournament sponsors and teams to make the Swing for Success Tournament a huge success. Tournament proceeds will be made available to the Colleges intercollegiate athletic department and used for student-athlete scholarships to keep our Highlanders in the game.

Click this link to access sponsorship details: Gordon State College

I hope you will consider participating in this important event.

Thank you again for your consideration.

Dr. Tonya Y. Moore
Executive Director of External Relations & Strategic Initiatives
Athletic Director
Gordon State College
(678) 359 5715

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