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Here's the main reason you have trouble recruiting and keeping the RIGHT employee

"She was my right hand woman but she's moving on to a different company? How will I find someone like her who will grow with my business?"

Has this happened to you? Have you figured out why people are leaving your business? Oftentimes, they are looking for security in the form of benefits.

"But health insurance is expensive, Doc." Unfortunately, you will be quoted $6900 a year per employee for a decent plan or less for a plan that may not help anyone. If you already provide health insurance, I know the increase in premiums are frustrating.

May I suggest an alternative called healthCARE? Healthcare is care you can depend on that makes sense!!! Gateway Direct Health offers this for employers and employees: monthly membership fee covers all office visits and procedures like EKG. And at a fraction of the cost of insurance! It is timely, accessible, affordable, and hassle-free.

"What about hospitalizations? Specialists?" The Gateway Direct Health solution can be paired with healthshare plans to cover catastrophic events and will still be less expensive than insurance.

It's important to know: you have options in providing healthCARE for your employee. Invest in them!

To learn more, schedule a Discovery Call at