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HCWA Celebrating Annual Customer Appreciation March 17-21

HCWA Celebrating Annual Customer Appreciation March 17-21, during Fix A Leak Week
Authority also hosting Art Contest for local students in grades K-12

(McDonough, GA – February 26, 2025) The Henry County Water Authority (HCWA) will
be celebrating its annual Customer Appreciation during the week of March 17-21, which falls
within national Fix A Leak Week. During this week, the Authority also will be hosting a student
Art Contest.

The HCWA Customer Appreciation is a week dedicated to thanking customers for their
business. As an expression of this gratitude and in recognition of the importance of wise water
use during Fix A Leak Week, HCWA Customer Service Representatives will be reminding
Authority customers of water conservation tips, in addition to giving away free water efficiency
items and HCWA swag, while supplies last.

National Fix A Leak Week, which is scheduled for March 17-23, 2025, is a public
outreach program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designed to raise
awareness of the water and money saved all year round from finding and fixing household water
leaks. World Water Day is recognized globally during this week as well on Saturday, March 22.

Household leaks can waste nearly 1 trillion gallons of water annually nationwide, or
nearly 10,000 gallons of water for an average household. Common types of leaks include worn
toilet flappers, dripping faucets, and other leaking valves. These types of leaks are easy and
inexpensive to fix, while saving customers money on their monthly water/sewer bill.

In addition to celebrating its annual Customer Appreciation during Fix A Leak Week, the
Authority will be hosting an Art Contest for local students in grades K-12. Henry County public
school, private school, and home-schooled students are welcome to submit artwork for the
HCWA Art Contest.

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Student artwork is limited to drawings 11x17 inches in size, illustrated with the use of
paint, colored pencils, markers, or crayons (no graphic designs or computer-generated art,
please). Only original artwork will be accepted, and the contest is limited to one entry per
student. An entry form must accompany the artwork as well.

Winners from each of the four age group categories (grades K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, and
10th-12th) will receive $100 gift cards. There also will be a drawing for $100 to be given to one
of the teachers with students entered in the contest.

The HCWA will accept artwork for its Art Contest from Monday March 17 thru Friday
March 21, during the Authority’s operating hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., at the Authority’s
Headquarters. Contestants can mail or drop off entries at Henry County Water Authority; Attn:
Kaylan Peek; 1695 Highway 20 West; McDonough, GA 30253.

In addition, as an added twist to this year’s HCWA Art Contest, Authority customers are
invited to vote on the “People’s Choice Award” during office hours on Monday March 24, when
all of the artwork will be displayed at the HCWA Headquarters for customers to vote on their
favorites that day.

HCWA Customer Service Representatives will be handing out free water efficiency items and
HCWA swag during the utility’s Customer Appreciation Week, March 17-21, which coincides
with national Fix A Leak Week.

The HCWA is hosting an Art Contest for local students, grades K-12, which will feature a
People’s Choice Award this year, to be voted on by HCWA Customers on Monday March 24,
following Customer Appreciation Week. Student artwork can be submitted by mail or drop off at
the HCWA Headquarters within business hours during the week of March 17-21.